The Unknowns WOD was created by Jeff Binek of Friendship CrossFit. Jeff is a former Sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington. The Sentinel Badge is the least awarded badge in the US Army. We are doing this WOD to support all Veteran Athletes on Monday.
“We represent the soldiers who have been killed in action, and have no remains left that can identify them. These soldiers are thus deemed “Unknown Soldier” on their headstone in Arlington. There are literally thousands of these headstones. Think for a moment about what it would mean for you to have a child, brother, sister, or parent in a conflict, and never know what happened to them. Never be able to attend a military funeral for them, or know if they were a POW, or KIA. These men and women that are the Unknown Soldiers of America gave not only the ultimate sacrifice of their lives, but also of their Identities, arguably more important. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a tribute to these men and women. As Sentinels we are responsible for guarding the Tomb 24 hours a day, 7 days a week since 1937 and representing them for the remainder of our lives. We will never forget and we will never stop remembering and protecting these soldiers until the last one is identified. As Sentinels we are the only family that these Unknown Soldiers have to visit their graves – an honor we take very seriously.”
Thank you Birdtown Crossfit for the description of why this workout was created. The original version of this WOD is listed on their site. Our workout is inspired by the original... which Ralph recently completed at CTown Crossfit.
Warm Up
5 minute Row or Run
Stop Every :30 and do 5 Squats, 5 Push Ups, 5 Lunges (2=1)
21 Reps of Every Exercise
50 Minute Time Cap and you must complete one exercise at a time
*You are allowed to sub a 21 Calorie Row for any exercise you do not want to do*
- Goblet Squats
- Pull Ups
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull (use dumbbells or Kettlebell)
- Push Ups
- Push Press (Shoulder Press)
- Wall Crawl (start in plank, feet against the wall, crawl feet up to the wall and hands in towards the wall until chest touches the wall... or go as far as you can)
- DB Squat Cleans
- Burpees
- Curtis P (goblet squat, front lunge on each leg, push press)
- Toes to Bar or Knees to Elbows
- Single Under Jump Rope
- Dips
- Broad Jumps
- Wall Ball
- Box Jumps
- Cal Row or 21 second Sprint if you don't have a rower
- KB Swing
- Weighted Squat (rack dumbbells on your shoulders)
- DB Snatch (2=1)
- Thrusters
- Sit Ups
Get as far as you can, modify where you need to depending on equipment and how your body feels... or don't adhere to the time cap and GO until you finish!! Grab somebody and get after it.