I know so many of you travel, whether it be for work or pleasure, as long as you have 15-30 minutes you should be able to get an amazing workout in. Here are a few suggestions to get you going. For all of these workouts, make sure you warm up with 5-10 minutes of cardio (high knees, run, jumping jacks, jump rope, jog in place). You should also include some dynamic stretching before hand, Get After It Y'all!
WOD #1
- 100 Squats for time Rest 1 min
- 100 Sit ups for time Rest 1 min
- 100 Push Ups for time
- Post your time in comments below, if you want to share!
WOD #2
10 Rounds:
- Sprint 100m as fast as you can
- 10 Squats
WOD #3
10 Rounds:
- 10 Tuck Jumps
- 9 Squat Jumps
- 8 Tricep Dips
- 7 Mountain Climbers (Each Leg=1)
- 6 Shoulder Press (Grab a kid or your suitcase if you don't have dumbbells)
- 5 Hand Release Push Ups
- 4 Burpees
- 3 Pike Jumps (modify by kicking each foot into the same hand straight out in front of you)
- 2 Dive Bomb Push ups
- 1 Wall Crawl
WOD #4
- Sit Ups
- Burpees
WOD #5
Tabata- Download the Tabata Timer app for free on your device
First Set: do only deck squat tuck jumps for the 8 rounds
- 20 sec - Deck Squat Tuck Jumps
- 10 sec rest
Second Set:
- 20 sec- Pike, Tuck, Straddle (all jumps, modify by kicking legs in front, bringing knees to chest, and jumping jack
- 10 sec- rest or plank hold
Third Set:
- 20 sec- Burpees
- 10 sec- rest
Fourth Set:
- 20 sec- Sit ups
- 10 sec- superman
Fifth Set:
- 20 sec- Lateral hops (hop over a weight, a pair of shoes, whatever you have... modify by stepping)
- 10 sec- High Knees in place or Rest
WOD #6
75 BURPEES FOR TIME - go as fast as you can while keeping good form
(My time was 4:18 Post yours in comments below!)
WOD #7
5 Rounds:
- Run 400m
- 30 Tricep Dips
- 40 Lunges
- 50 Mountain Climbers (1=1)